Thursday, January 26, 2023

BARD: Rural Development Institution


The Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD) is a government institution established in 1959 with the goal of promoting rural development in Bangladesh. The academy conducts research, training, and extension activities to support the implementation of rural development programs in the country.

BARD's research activities focus on identifying and addressing the key issues facing rural communities, such as poverty, food security, and natural resource management. The academy conducts both basic and applied research in various fields, including agriculture, livestock, fisheries, and forestry. The research findings are then used to inform the development of policies and programs to improve the livelihoods of rural people.

The academy also conducts training programs for government officials, NGOs, and other stakeholders involved in rural development. The training programs cover a wide range of topics, including rural development planning and management, natural resource management, and community development. The academy has a residential training center, where participants can attend training programs and interact with experts in the field.

BARD's extension activities aim to transfer the knowledge and technologies generated by its research and training programs to farmers and other rural communities. The academy operates a number of demonstration farms and farm schools, where farmers can learn about new farming techniques and technologies. The academy also has a mobile extension team, which travels to remote areas to provide extension services to farmers.

In addition to its main activities, BARD also engages in a number of other initiatives to support rural development in Bangladesh. For example, the academy runs a program to promote the development of rural entrepreneurs, and another program to support the development of rural women. The academy also works closely with other government agencies, NGOs, and international organizations to implement rural development programs in the country.

Overall, the Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development plays a critical role in promoting rural development in Bangladesh. The academy's research, training, and extension activities have helped to improve the livelihoods of millions of rural people in the country. With the increasing focus on sustainable development, the academy also plays a vital role in ensuring that rural development is sustainable and inclusive.

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